
日期:2017-04-18 / 人气: / 来源:网络

从12.0版本开始,backup exec自带了一个独立的硬件检测工具,叫discover,可以单独下载安装到任何服务器上。这个工具在升级或者排错的时候很有用。

Discover.exe是一个DOS命令行工具,默认在BE的安装目录C: Program FilesSymantecBackup Exec下。

注意:运行Discover.exe前,必须确保Backup exec进程已经停止!

运行工具后,会输入当前服务器上所有基于SCSI的设备的属性。我们可以将discover的结果输出到一个自定义文件中,如Discover.exe > C:discover.txt。



ByName: Tape - all tape drives attached to the system.

ByName: MediumChanger - all medium changers attached to the system. 

ByName: Changer - all changers attached to the system. 

ByPort: Scsi - lists of all SCSI devices. Contains Inquiry Data for non-tape devices attached via SCSI. SCSI ports with tape devices are left blank in this section.  

ByGuid: Tape - GUID of the tape drives. 

ByGuid: Changer - GUID's the Changer 

ByGuid: ChangerIomega - GUID for any IOMEGA Changer. 

ByGuid: CDRom- GUID for CDRom devices. 


Common values for all devices

System Page Size

- The system page size. 

##:##:##:##  is the physical address of the device (Port : Bus : Target : Lun), followed by the Device Name

INQ 00 - The Primary Inquiry String of the device

INQ cc  - Vendor-Specific Inquiry String (Compaq)

INQ dc - Vendor-Specific Inquiry String (Dell)

INQ 83 - Serial Number of the device (contains inquiry data)

INQ 80 - Serial Number of the device

TUR 00 23a00 - Results of "Test Unit Ready" command *

RES 00 00 00000 - Results of "Reserve" command *

REL 00 00 00000 - Results of "Release" command *

* See 'Interpreting Command Results' below for information on understanding these results.  

Values for Medium Changers only

For each of these values, the first 4 digits are the element addresses of each component. The single digit following the element address contains the number of actual elements that are present. 

MTE - Medium Transfer Element - the number of picker arms in the library. 

STE - Storage Transfer Element - the number of  slots the library has. 

IEE - Import/Export Element - the number of portal slots the library has. 

DTE - Data Transfer Element - number of tape drives contained in the library.

Underneath the Data Transfer Element, for each drive discovered you will see a single digit element number followed a serial number in double quotes. This serial number is how the library and tape drive are linked together. Consider the following:

             DTE 0080   2

               0 "0000910023"

               1 "0000909939"

This indicates that this library has two tape drives, 0 and 1, and their serial numbers are 0000910023 and 0000909939 respectively. 

If the DTE contains an empty set of quotes, or random ASCII characters, this is most likely indicative of a device that is not serializing. Some older legacy tape drives and libraries do not serialize. 

Values for Tape Drives only

BUS -  The BUS Type for the tape drive

MAX ###  bytes ### pages - The max number of bytes and pages that can be included in a SCSI command. 

Interpreting Command Results

For the Test Unit Ready (TUR), Reserve (RES), and Release (REL) commands, the last 5 characters listed contain SCSI response information. Discover attempts these commands on each device whenever it is run, and will log the results of those commands. 

If the response field is all 0's, that is 00000, then the command completed with a successful SCSI status. 

If the response field contains information, then that indicates that the particular command did not complete successfully and resulted in a SCSI error known as a "Check Condition." Consider the following TUR command:

TUR 00 23a00

The above error on the TUR above is a common check condition that is seen on tape drives. To translate the error will require a basic understanding of SCSI commands and check conditions. 

The error 23a00 is broken down by Sense key (2), Additional Sense Code - ASC (3a), and Additional Sense Code Qualifier - ASCQ (00). 

Sense Key 2 = NOT READY


This check condition occurs because there is no tape in the drive. While this is considered an error by SCSI standards, it is not indicative of any hardware failure. Had the sense key been 4, this would have been indicative of a hardware failure. 

A full list of all Sense Keys can be found here:


A numerical list of ASC/ASCQ can be found here:


Example detection errors:

The follow are types of errors messages that can be seen when running Discover.exe:

CreateFile on \.Tape0 failed, 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

ByName: MediumChanger

CreateFile on \.MediumChanger0 failed, 5 - Access is denied.

ByName: Changer

CreateFile on \.Changer0 failed, 170 - The requested resource is in use.

These errors can occur when another application or process is denying access to the device, or if the device itself is malfunctioning. It can also occur when the Backup Exec services are running. 

If you see errors in discover, and the Backup Exec services are in fact stopped, then proceed to troubleshoot the hardware. Consider performing a power cycle of the hardware and media server, and running a SCSI trace using a tool such as Tracer. 

See Related Documents for more information on troubleshooting hardware and using tools such as tracer.  

Example output from Discover.exe:

Below is the expected output from a server with a properly configured Dell Powervault 124T library with an LTO3 drive:

System Page Size: 4096

ByName: Tape

 03:00:06:00 01 -- \.Tape0

             INQ 00 "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3     6B20"

             INQ cc ""

              INQ dc ""

              INQ 83 "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3     1210407620"

             INQ 80 "1210407620"

             TUR 00 23a00

             RES 00 00 00000

             REL 00 00 00000

             BUS SCSI(1)

             MAX 0xffffffff bytes 0x41 pages

ByName: MediumChanger

 03:00:06:01 08 -- \.MediumChanger0

             INQ 00 "DELL    PV-124T         0060"

             INQ cc ""

              INQ dc "DELL    PV-124T         0060"

             INQ 83 "DELL    PV-124T         CK8JB30213"

             INQ 80 "CK8JB30213"

             TUR 00 00000

             RES 00 00 00000

             REL 00 00 00000

             MTE 0000   1

             STE 0100  16

             IEE 0000   0

             DTE 0020   1

               0 "1210407620"

ByName: Changer

ByPort: Scsi

 02:00:06:01 08 -- \.Scsi2:

 03:00:06:01 08 -- \.Scsi3:

 05:00:00:00 00 -- \.Scsi4:

             INQ 00 "DGC     RAID 5          0326"

             INQ cc ""

              INQ dc ""

              INQ 80 "APM00073400040"

ByGuid: Tape

 03:00:06:00 01 01 \?scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3&rev_6b20#6&3b682dcf&0&060#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}

ByGuid: Changer

ByGuid: ChangerIomega

ByGuid: CDRom

 00:00:00:00 05 00 \?ide#cdromteac_cd-224e-n__________________________c.aa____#5&117b794a&0&0.0.0#{53f56308-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}

             INQ 00 "TEAC    CD-224E-N       C.AA"

             INQ cc ""

              INQ dc ""

              INQ 80 ""

Oracle收购Wercker 用容器加强推广其云服务

导读:对于Oracle而言,增加Wercker将使其能够将管理和自动化功能与Oracle Cloud IaaS和PaaS服务上托管的Docker产品相结合,Oracle对这两个产品的长远前景寄予厚望。



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