oracle Agile实行工程师之第二篇:前期准备_硬盘数

日期:2015-11-10 / 人气: / 来源:网络

oracle Agile实施工程师之第一篇:开篇说明oracle Agile实施工程师之第二篇:前期准备oracle Agile实施工程师之第三篇:架构设计

要实施Agile软件包,首先要准备好相关的材料包括:官方的所有跟agile有关的文档和安装介质。由于我们使用的是Agile 9302版本,故我现在列一下所有需要的实施材料。



Agile PLM Readme

New Features Quick Overview
What's New in Import and Export
Agile PLM Capacity Planning Guide
Installing Agile PLM for OAS

Installing Agile PLM for WebLogic

Agile Database Installation Guide
Agile Database Upgrade Guide
Agile Help Menu Integration Guide
Agile Help Menu Integration Addendum
Getting Started with Agile PLM
Import/Export User Guide
Product Collaboration User Guide
Product Portfolio Management User Guide
ACS User Guide
Product Quality Management User Guide
Product Governance and Compliance User Guide
Product Governance and Compliance Supplier Guide
Product Cost Management User Guide
Product Cost Management Supplier Guide
Viewer Supplement
Agile Plugin for Enterprise Manger User Guide
Agile Drive User Guide
ChangeCAST User Guide
SDK Developer Guide
AIS Developer Guide
EC Webservices Quick Reference Guide
ChangeCAST Developer Guide




oracle Agile实施工程师之第二篇:前期准备

oracle Agile实施工程师之第二篇:前期准备


Obtaining Software 

Oracle products are distributed as Media Packs. A Media Pack is an electronic version of the 

software. Refer to the Media Pack description or the list of products that you purchased on your 

Oracle ordering document. Then, view the Quick Install Guide License List to help you decide which 

Product Pack you need to select in order to search for the appropriate Media Pack(s) to download. 

Prior to downloading, verify that the product you are looking for is in the License and Options 

section of the E-Pack Readme. Oracle recommends that you print the Readme for reference. 

Download the required Media Pack contained in the Product Pack from the Oracle E-Delivery web 

site ( as specified below: 

1.  Oracle Agile Applications (Agile Product Lifecycle Management Release 9.3 Media Pack) 

2.  Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 Media 

Pack contains Oracle WebLogic Server version 10.3) 

There will be an itemized part list within each of the packs and you will need to download all items in 

order to have the complete download for the desired Oracle Agile release. 

All Oracle E-Delivery files have been archived using Info-ZIP's highly portable Zip utility. After 

downloading one or more of the archives, you will need the UnZip utility or the Winzip utility to 

extract the files. You must unzip the archive on the platform for which it was intended. Verify that 

the file size of your downloaded file matches the file size displayed on E-Delivery. Unzip each Zip 

file to its own temporary directory. 

oracle Agile实施工程师之第一篇:开篇说明

由于我们的oracle Agile就是部署在AIX平台上面,正好在做这个之前,我将这2年积累的整理了一下,记录到博客上面既可以对后续的迁移进行整体的方案梳理也可以对搞Agile的人有些帮助吧。

oracle Agile


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